In year 9 we offer the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award. Students complete four sections. It is made up of three sections completed independently: a physical activity, volunteering, a skill,
In all cases it can be something you are already doing, or something new. You must spend an hour a week on each for at least three months, with one extended. You can do the activities one after the other or at the same time. However, the school will help you choose activities, advise on who can assess your achievements and help you complete your e-log so you can achieve the award.
Each section needs an assessor. This can by any adult, except a family member. Many teachers are assessors of individual sections for students.
The school oversees the expeditions and training. The Bronze practice and assessed walking expeditions take place in the Summer term. The dates are to be confirmed. All expeditions take place nearby on the South Downs.
Nevill Campus
Hove Park School
Nevill Road, Hove,
East Sussex, BN3 7BN
Nevill Office: 01273 082817
Valley Campus
Hove Park School
Hangleton Way, Hove,
East Sussex, BN3 8AA
Valley Office: 01273 082857