
Key safeguarding personnel at Hove Park School & Sixth Form Centre

For all safeguarding enquiries including referrals, meetings and information requests please email

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Nansi Mellor

Senior Safeguarding Officer:

Ms Sarah Howell

Head of Valley Campus:

Mr Simon Paul

Head of Nevill Campus:

Mr Joe Brooking

Safeguarding and SEND Support Officer

Mrs Michelle Cox

Designated Teacher for Looked After Children

Mr Neil Wickens


All of us have a responsibility for Child Protection. This means:


  • protecting children from abuse
  • promoting the welfare of children
  • preventing children from being harmed
  • students, parents/carers and staff must feel able to raise concerns.


Students, parents/carers and staff must recognise that they have a duty to raise concerns.

If you have a concern regarding a child’s safety, you must report it immediately.

Click on this link to read a copy of our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Basic eSafety advice

It can be hard to keep track of what your child is doing on social networks, apps and games, or know how to keep them safe.

The NSPCC has teamed up with O2. Together they are helping parents and carers untangle the web and teach their children to be Share Aware. Because, just like in real life, children need your help to stay safe online.

Click on this link for lots of useful information about how to keep your child safe and for details of safety helplines:

Parents/carers and students should also make use of the HPS eSafety iTunesU courses (links below):

Reminder about how to be SMART when using the internet and mobile phones:

Safe travel to school

Please ensure arrangements are in place for your child to travel safely to and from school. In particular, please agree arrangements and support messages given in school about staying safe and avoiding dangers:


  • Road safety (e.g. use crossings, be seen).
  • Cycle safety (e.g. use helmets, be seen).
  • Bus safety (follow the rules, consider other passengers).
  • Safe routes (avoid dangerous roads and isolated areas).
  • Travel with friends where possible and avoid strangers.
  • Return to a safe busy place (e.g. school, home, shop) if approached and speak to a trusted adult.


Please view our latest Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy here.

Please note that we always work to the most recently published statutory guidance (currently dated September 2019 and available here ).

If you would like further information on online safety you can also visit Think u Know

If you have an immediate concern relating to online safety please visit CEOP

SafeSpace Newsletter

Below you can download our regular SafeSpace Newsletter

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