'We inspire our students to have the aspiration, knowledge and skills to progress into STEM related studies, training or careers.'


STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) activities aim to provide education outside of the laboratory, workshop or classroom with links to potential future pathways. We inspire our students to have the aspiration, knowledge and skills to progress into STEM related studies, training or careers.

We provide opportunities for students to hear from local employees and employers. This gives our local community access to our talented STEM students.

There is also the opportunity to enter local and national competitions. Projects/research is either pre prepared or can be developed by an individual or group. The school supports Greenpower Racing at Goodwood, Lego Mindstorm and the Big Bang Competition. All of these can lead to recognition of achievements.

Jr STEM club

Jr STEM club runs throughout the year and aims to increase student’s confidence, learning and understanding of STEM subjects, whilst developing leadership, teamwork and practical skills. Students complete a wide range of weekly challenges from building catapults to making their own lava lamps. Opportunities include the chance to complete a nationally accredited Award, engage with local businesses and attend exciting STEM related trips.
By Hove Park School March 12, 2020
This week at jr STEM club, students continued their work on coding using the ‘code and rescue’ pack. This included using sensors to detect water for a life jacket which activates when submerged and sending messages via morse code. We were really impressed with how students showed initiative, worked well in teams and helped each other to complete the challenges. Well done you were brilliant. Mr Hamblin and Mrs McCutcheon
STEM kids
By Hove Park School February 12, 2020
Last week Year 8 Jr STEM were investigating human augmentation and created a model of a bionic hand! Well done to all involved. Ms Buckingham
STEM students
By Hove Park School February 12, 2020
This week, students were exploring forces and how to reduce the impact of an egg falling 9m onto the concrete floor! Students had lots of different designs and had fun building and testing their structures. Luckily the eggs were hard boiled in the testing stage! Team ‘Winford’ were clear winners with their parachute opening nicely, gliding safety to the ground with the egg intact. Well done to all involved. Mr Hamblin and Mrs McCutcheon
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Greenpower race

The Greenpower race is a highlight of our STEM calendar. This exciting club helps students improve their team work and STEM skills as they work on our F24 car throughout the year, and then race it at Goodwood in the Summer. 

We have support from Industry experts between September and May to help us modify the car and try to improve its performance. Students use this time to fundraise for modifications. 

At Goodwood during the Summer the car is put through a practice and then two x 1 hour 30 minutes endurance races.
Students at Goodwood Greenpower Race
By Hove Park School July 3, 2019
A group of 13 students took our electric race car to Goodwood to race other schools and colleges. It was the biggest event we have been to yet. Although we hadn’t made any alterations to the car this year we still came two thirds of the way down the leader board at 49th place. Super teamwork show by the students working together to make sure everyone got to drive at least a lap.
Student driving greenpower car at goodwood
By Hove Park School June 14, 2018
It was an amazing day at Goodwood, the sun was shining and the atmosphere was electric. Despite a break down during practice we were able to find a replacement part and we were up and running again. All of the students worked really well together to make the driver changeovers and swap the batteries very efficiently. Every student managed to compete and we eventually placed 40th out of 78, our highest ever ranking. Bella T from year 8 managed the fastest lap at 6 minutes, 39 seconds. We’re looking forward to next year’s Greenpower race, and hope to do even better.

Land, Sea & Air Project - drones, Lego Mindstorms & Spheros

Computer Science students this year have been engaged in a project to explore STEM via Land, Air and Sea. Activities have included drone flying, programming lego and trying out Spheros. Students have been provided with a series of quick paced challenges, requiring them to collaborate as part of team to plan, create and solve problems. 

To enhance the experience, our guest James Hannam has brought a wealth of knowledge about drone flying laws, product design, entrepreneurship and how to be successful in business. His enthusiasm has captivated the students, fully engaging them as they build their foundations for their computer science GCSE. 
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