The student leadership programme called Peer Tutors has been running at Hove Park for 5 years. In this time, hundreds of Hove Park students have had opportunities to support younger children with their learning, at the same time as learning new leadership skills. At present, there are about 100 Peer Tutors at Hove Park from Year 7 to Year 13.
Peer Tutors are trained in school and receive a badge and a certificate when they have completed the training. It is a very sought after badge and title in the school! Students have visited a huge number of Primary Schools in the local area and provide in-school support. They have helped in all areas of the curriculum in a wide variety of age ranges from Year 1 to Year 6.
Projects have included supporting Year 3 to make iMovies, teaching and planning Year 1 Maths, presenting workshops celebrating the diversity of cultures at Hove Park School, supporting the teaching of rugby to Year 5’s and mentoring individual children in class.
We have strong links with our local primary schools and this enables our Peer Tutors to visit these schools and work alongside younger children supporting them in their learning. The Peer Tutors gain a huge amount of skills themselves including leadership, empathy, subject knowledge, confidence and peer tutoring has proven to be an amazing way to raise self esteem!
Any student can be a Peer Tutor and should approach Mrs Hunt if they would like to apply.