At Hove Park SMSC is supported across the curriculum and beyond for example through our Every Child Should strategy which supports whole education and the development of the whole child beyond the formal curriculum.
A wide range of activities and after school clubs eg the Duke of Edinburgh Award allow students to develop socially and accumulate cultural capital.
Art-themed Project Days like the music from around the world day teach students about the cultural heritage of different countries and regions. Students get to appreciate the historical development of these creative arts and ties with that regional culture and history.
PSHE Project Days allow focus and expert input into important themes.
As well as being addressed explicitly in PSHE and Philosophy Religion and Ethics (PRE) SMSC is addressed across the curriculum in all faculties for example.
We do not make assumptions about the views of parents and carers from particular faith backgrounds, however we aim to take into account the religious backgrounds of students in planning teaching.
We recognise that parents and carers have the right to request that their child be withdrawn from sex education delivered as part of statutory relationships and sex education up until three school terms before the young person turns 16. We will inform parents and carers of this right in the school welcome pack.
The PSHE education curriculum supports personal development, behaviour for learning including promoting attributes such as kindness, respect, consent, resilience and mental health and wellbeing. Our ambitious Project Days are also designed to give all students the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in life.
In English students read and engage with a variety of texts written by authors from around the world to represent the global community and reflect our diverse cohort of students. Our reading lists have been updated to include more diversity e.g written by BAME authors. The majority of texts we study contain moral and cultural discussions e.g the treatment of women in Shakespeare’s time in comparison to the treatment of women in the Edwardian era or discussions about social responsibility in An Inspector Calls.
Students work collaboratively on problem solving and using social skills.
Science & Technology
Students reflect on the morality of current issues such as stem cell research, evolution and genetic testing as well on the explanations surrounding the origins of the universe. This furthers students’ ability to make informed choices and develop socially.
In Languages we endeavour to empathise with students in other languages and culture of the target language being studied. These often reflect an awareness of social deprivation in other parts of the world as well as awareness of the impact of global and climatic as well as financial considerations. When we work with schools abroad the project work tends to focus on deconstruction of stereotypes and promotion of shared global values.
Sport and Creative Arts
Students learn about the arts across many traditions, developing their understanding of other cultures and
reflect on the values and morals surrounding sporting ideals.
An integral part of our PRE provision is recognition of the pupils own faith and spiritual journey whether that includes belonging or identification with a particular religion, or is a student developing their own world view. This is alongside the student learning about and from different religions and beliefs.
It’s great to see partnerships developing between Brighton and Hove Soiree Rotary Club (B+HSRC) and Hove Park School. In in under 2 months the following are in place:
Duke of Edinburgh: B+HSRC are delighted that Hove Park has so many young people enrolled for their Bronze DofE. We’re planning to support the school to buy adventure equipment so that the young explorers have the right footwear to enjoy the experience safely. We’re also looking at ways to help youngsters fulfil the community service aspect of the Award.
Enrichment programme: B+HSRC has great links with inspirational young people – Rotary Scholars from all over the world who are studying at the Institute of Development Studies at Sussex University, members of Rotaract and young professionals. B+HSRC linked Hove Park with a recent Sussex University student who is now working as a medical writer and who has spent a year working in China. In February she’ll be taking part in the enrichment assembly.
Interact Club: Interact is a community service organisation (a junior version of Rotary). We’re planning on setting up a club with the younger students which will focus on two projects each year – one serving the local community and one with an international focus. We hope the club will be up and running for the Summer term 2020.
The Big Camp: We’re hoping to arrange for Shelterbox to bring one of their emergency shelters along to Hove Park School’s annual Big Camp. ShelterBox responds to natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods. The charity provides tents equipped with enough essential items to keep families alive in the immediate aftermath of an emergency. We hope that ShelterBox can erect one of its tents at the event so students can experience what basics are needed to keep life going in a disaster.
Our Year 7 students as part of an enrichment day spent time finding out about the Rule of Law in Britain.
Students used information gathered through interviews, forensic evidence and other information to solve a fictitious criminal case. They then looked at how a case like this would be tried in court with arguments for and against in a court of law. They learnt key terminology through this session and also some of how the legal system works.
Nevill Campus
Hove Park School
Nevill Road, Hove,
East Sussex, BN3 7BN
Nevill Office: 01273 082817
Valley Campus
Hove Park School
Hangleton Way, Hove,
East Sussex, BN3 8AA
Valley Office: 01273 082857