The school is a split site school. Years 7, 8 and Sixth Form are located on the Valley Campus in Hangleton Way. Years 9, 10 and 11 are located on the Nevill Campus in Nevill Road.
Hove Park School is a main stream school. Achievement with care is our vision for all our students. We aim to ensure that:
Students with access to learning difficulties are able to access a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum as part of the whole school community.
There are four types of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), decided by the Department for Education:
If a student has SEND, then their needs will fit into one or more of these areas of need.
A school’s provision for SEND is defined as support which is additional to or different from that which is available to all students.
At Hove Park School, we recognise that students make progress at different rates and not always in a steady, linear pattern. Therefore, students are identified as having SEND in a variety of ways, including the following:
If a student is identified as having SEND then their name will be added to the SEN register, but we recognise that students’ needs may change over time and provision must reflect this. The aim of any additional provision is for the student to achieve age expectations. Once they reach this threshold they may be removed from the school SEN register. If they fall behind again at any point, then they may be added to the register again.
Medicines for students are managed by a first aider. If a student requires medicine during the school day, the following procedures must be followed:
Our provision is arranged to meet our students’ needs, within the resources available. This approach reflects the fact that different students require different levels of support in order to achieve age expected attainment.
The Assistant Headteacher for the Faculty of Student and Wellbeing. and the Assistant SENCOs consult with subject teachers, academic leaders and Assistant Heads of Year, as well as with support staff, to discuss the student's needs and what support would be appropriate.
There are always on-going discussions with parents/carers for any student who requires additional support for their learning.
How do we know if it has had an impact?
Who can I contact for further information?
Students with a diagnosis of Autism – Caitlin McGinley – or Emily Tucker –
All other SEND needs – Edward Bayliss –
Additionally, the school liaises with and can refer parents/carers to the following agencies for information and support:
We offer an open door policy where parents/carers are welcome any time to make an appointment to meet with either a subject teacher or tutor or any other teacher, to discuss how their child is progressing. Parents/carers can contact staff members directly by email or through the school office:
Planned arrangements for communicating between school and home include:
Students’ views are highly valued at the school and their opinions are sought on many areas of school life, as well as their own learning. We use a variety of methods for seeking student views:
All students are entitled to be included in all parts of the school curriculum and we aim for all students to be included on school trips. We will provide the necessary support to ensure that this is successful.
A risk assessment is carried out prior to any off-site activity to ensure everyone’s health and safety will not be compromised. This may include specialist advice from The SENCo Team, where deemed necessary. In the unlikely event that it is considered unsafe for a student to take part in an activity, then alternative activities which will cover the same curriculum areas will be provided in school.
Students within The Cullum Centre are encouraged to participate in a range of activities organised by local and national Autism organisations.
Subject teachers are responsible for planning lessons that are accessible and adapted for every student. In some curriculum areas, students are grouped by levels of attainment, whilst other curriculum areas are taught in mixed attainment groups. Students are entitled to participate in all areas of the curriculum and it is the subject teacher’s role to plan lessons and create resources and activities which ensure the student can access the learning. This can mean teachers plan:
At Key Stage 4 students choose from a range of GCSEs, and other courses, which help to prepare them for the next steps in their education, be that college, apprenticeships or work. Students and parents/carers are offered advice and careers guidance at the appropriate time to help make these important decisions.
Our goal is to make sure our new students feel like they belong at Hove Park School before they officially arrive. Learning is most effective when students feel they belong and are comfortable in the school environment.
Key Stage 2-3 (Year 6 to Year 7)
Key Stage 3-4 (Year 8 – Year 9)
Key Stage 4-5 (Year 11 to Year 12)
Joining mid-year
Moving to another school
Subject teachers are responsible for the progress of students in their lessons. They are trained to teach children with all types of additional learning requirements and are responsible for making the curriculum accessible to all students.
The SENDCo Team are responsible for ensuring that:
Sometimes, some students require additional support to make progress across the curriculum, because they are significantly below the expectations for their age. The SENDCo Team or the Assistant SENCOs are responsible for organising intervention for an individual or small group of students, which might include one of these provisions, for example:
Special Facility – The Cullum Centre
In addition, the school has a resourced provision for students with EHCPs for Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC). Led by the Head of the Cullum Centre, support is tailored to meet the needs of each individual student which may include specialist in class support and or specialist teaching in the centre (including from our Speech and Language Therapist) Our staff are experienced working with students with ASC.
Home learning (Homework)
The home learning set by teachers is an integral part of students’ learning and can contribute directly to how well a student makes progress. Home learning consolidates and builds on the learning in lessons, ensuring that students fully understand concepts and apply skills they have learnt. The school expects parents and carers to engage with their child’s home learning, so that students can see the high value their parents and carers place on working as part of a home-school partnership. This provides essential support for teachers and means no opportunity is lost for supporting every student’s learning.
Where a student with SEN is failing to make progress, despite high quality teaching and intervention through their SEN support, an application to the Local Authority for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) may be considered.
An EHCP has replaced the previous terminology of ‘statementing’ or ‘having a statement’ for all new applications from September 2014. Students with current Statements of Special Educational Need will continue with these until the Local Authority reviews their provision to decide if they fulfil the criteria for an Education, Health and Care Plan. The EHCP is slightly different and offers new potential support mechanisms, such as the option for continuing with similar support packages up to age 25. It also has a high emphasis on placing the child and the family at the centre of provision and planning; something which Hove Park School already is committed to.
Prior to joining us, your current school and the local authority should have made clear if your child has an EHCP. Students with SEN with EHCPs are entitled to the level of support outlined in their EHCP for which additional funding is supplied. Such support is co-ordinated by the SENDCo Team.
Should you and/or the school wish to apply for an EHCP then parents/carers, the Local Authority, the school and outside agencies will be fully involved in such decisions and meetings will be organised to consider and plan such a referral. More information on the application process and criteria for Education, Health and Care Plans is available on the Local Authority website.
SEND training is an on-going rolling programme of professional development for our staff, throughout the school year.
Your main point of contact at school should always be your child’s tutor. Start by contacting the tutor, who will be able to discuss your concerns. If you need to speak with other staff members, such as Assistant Head of Year, the SENDCo Team, or the Assistant SENCOs, then the tutor will be able to help you arrange this.
The Assistant Headteacher for Student Support and Wellbeing (Lauren Pinney) is a member of the senior leadership team, a fully qualified teacher and SENDCo with many years of experience. Together with the Head of the Cullum Centre (Cailtin McGinley) and the two Assistant SENDCos (Emily Tucker and Edward Bayliss) they make up the SENDCo Team who liaise with many specialist services and outside experts to ensure that provision for our students is appropriate and meets all needs. The school works closely with external any external agencies that are relevant to individual student needs including but not limited to:
The school uses a positive behaviour management system. Each lesson students have the opportunity to earn house points by exemplifying the school values of:
House points are monitored by tutors and linked to rewards. This allows the assistant Heads of Year to identify students who are falling behind and identify the various reasons for it.
There are consequences for poor behaviour, which are outlined in the school’s behaviour policy and these include detention, isolation and fixed term exclusion.
However, if a student is falling significantly behind their peers and their behaviour is affecting their learning or the learning of others then additional support may be provided.
Hove Park takes student wellbeing very seriously. More information can be found here.
For students who struggle with social situations there are quiet places where they can go at break and lunch time with a level of staff support.
If a student is unwell throughout the day they will need to tell a member of staff. They will then be seen promptly by a first aider. If their condition prevents them from returning to lesson they will be taken to a year office and the pastoral year team will decide whether the student needs to be sent home. If the student is too unwell to stay at school parents/carers will be called and asked to arrange for the child to be collected as soon as possible.
In a medical emergency, the first aider will urgently attend; they will make the decision on whether the child requires an ambulance and hospitalisation. All staff are trained on the use of epi-pens for anaphylactic shock and students who have severe allergies and other significant medical needs are flagged to staff throughout the year.
Year teams work with students who are struggling with school for a variety of reasons to find solutions and every fortnight will discuss complex cases with other professionals in school to make sure we get the right package of support for students experiencing difficulties.
Staff from the Cullum Centre and the wider SEN team work with students to make sure that they have positive interactions in the mainstream school environment. Students are explicitly taught about neurodiversity and its benefits and students with a diagnosis are encouraged to explore their differences and develop their confidence and sense of self-esteem.
Assistant Head Teacher for Student Support and Wellbeing, Lauren Pinney
Head of Cullum Centre, Caitlin McGinley
Assistant SENDCos Emily Tucker and Edward Bayliss,
Further information can be found within the Local Authority’s Local Offer, which can be accessed using this link.
Additionally, the school liaises with and can refer parents/carers to the following agencies for information and support:
Hove Park run various events throughout the year which will enable you to come in and look round our school and meet staff members in person. If you wish to arrange a meeting with a particular member of staff to discuss please email:
The school has a comprehensive ‘Concerns Policy’ which can be found on the school website. In the first instance, contact your child’s tutor, Assistant Head of Year. Alternatively, email the school office: and your concern will be directed to the appropriate member of staff who will contact you.
Nevill Campus
Hove Park School
Nevill Road, Hove,
East Sussex, BN3 7BN
Nevill Office: 01273 082817
Valley Campus
Hove Park School
Hangleton Way, Hove,
East Sussex, BN3 8AA
Valley Office: 01273 082857