Hove Park School has a rich tradition in language learning and enrichment via foreign and domestic trips and visits. These opportunities to travel and learn new things and new cultures and people lies at the very heart of our global awareness as a school.
This page sets out some of the very latest news articles as well as reflecting on past trips and successful interactions with people across Europe and the world. Hove Park School is rightly proud of our diversity and we take every opportunity to embrace opportunities to learn in authentic surroundings and locations where we can – share this passion for the world with us here.
Below you can see a video our students made for Year 7 open evening (2020), please watch it to see what pupils say about language learning at Hove Park school. You can also see a letter from Nick Gibb, Minister of State for School Standards which outlines how Hove Park School is one of an elite group of schools achieving 75% + of the cohort in Year 11 sitting a GCSE Language qualification.
The MEP has been part of language provision at HPS since the start of the programme over 4 years ago. The aim of the programme is to secure near fluency for a cohort of 20+ students in mandarin Chinese over the course of their studies in secondary school. It is funded by Hanban, the Chinese equivalent of the British Council and is facilitated nationally through University College London. Students are subsidised to travel to China for intensive language learning courses in the summer term in Y8 and Y10 and the focus is on academic study of Chinese language and culture.
James Holmes left Hove Park 4 years ago and has completed his degree in Mandarin Chinese, he talks here about his experiences here at school and University.
This is an enrichment provision devised and delivered by our own Spanish teachers. It is devised to support extended learning in Spanish for the sizeable community of native and near-native speakers of Spanish in our diverse school community. It has been popular with students of the Bilingual Primary School in Hove and has enabled many students to keep their Spanish at a high level whilst diversifying into other language learning in school. Students meet to discuss topics and take part in teaching trips to other schools in the areas to help foster an understanding of the joys of learning Spanish in the local community as well as keeping up their own considerable language skills.
NEW for 2020! The Football Enrichment Programme was still in its infancy when we went into lockdown. After a meeting in February with Rob Jones, the schools Manager at BAHFC, we sketched out a plan to take around 15 students across to the Amex stadium for an enrichment day, involving a tour of the stadium and an opportunity to meet with foreign staff and players. The aim will be to develop these links in 2020-21 for boys and girls in Y8 and 10 and use football as a medium to increase student appreciation of global issues and the importance of learning a foreign language and applying that in a vocational context.
We all remember our school outings and trips. They are amongst the most formative and enjoyable things we do in school. Hove Park prides itself on the opportunities for travel and discovery.
Hove Park prides itself on the opportunities for travel and discovery. We are a very ethnically diverse school with a genuine global take on life both inside and outside school. Be it geography trips to Iceland, art trips to Amsterdam, field trips to Colombia, intensive study trips to China or exchange trips to Germany we offer students a range of chances to see and experience the bigger world around them.
Nevill Campus
Hove Park School
Nevill Road, Hove,
East Sussex, BN3 7BN
Nevill Office: 01273 082817
Valley Campus
Hove Park School
Hangleton Way, Hove,
East Sussex, BN3 8AA
Valley Office: 01273 082857