Subject videos

Each subject has created a short video introduction. We’ve also included an individual email address underneath each video which you can use to contact the Head of Faculty with any curriculum specific questions you might have.

Careers Advice

It’s important to think about what you want to do in the future when you choose your GCSE option subjects. This video provides information about the careers support we have in the school.

Options application form

The Options Application Form 2025 should be submitted electronically and can be accessed using this link: HPS Options Application Form 2025 . Students will need to use their school log-in details to access the form. The form will be available from Thursday 13th February, 6pm.

A PDF copy of the form can also be
downloaded here. Please print the form and return it to the Year Office once it has been completed.

The deadline for submission of application forms is Friday 14th March 2025.

Frequently asked questions

Below are frequent options questions , if you have any further questions please  contact the school direct.

  • What is the curriculum like for students at Key Stage 4?

    Our curriculum has been planned and developed to provide a whole education for all students. When we describe our curriculum, we are not just talking about the sequencing of lessons and subjects across the key stages, but also our Enrichment Days and Every Child Should strategy, which together enrich and broaden a student’s time at Hove Park School. 

    Our curriculum is about developing skills, knowledge and providing experiences that will enable all students to make a positive contribution to their community and prepare them for life beyond school. You can find out more information about our curriculum as a whole here:

  • What decisions do students have to make about what they study in Years 9, 10 and 11?

    Students have to make three decisions:

    • Whether to study geography or history.
    • Which 2 other subjects to study.
    • Which 2 subjects to list as reserve choices (in case we are unable to offer the first choice).
  • How many subjects do students study for GCSE in total?

    Most students will study 9 GCSEs.

  • Which subjects do students study at GCSE?

    All students study the following subjects, which total 6 GCSEs:

    • English language & English literature;
    • a modern foreign language;
    • mathematics;
    • science combined course (double award: 2 x GCSEs)

    In addition to these 6 qualifications, all students take either geography or history and choose a further 2 courses, making a total of 9 qualifications. In addition to this, some students will also take GCSE Statistics along with mathematics.

    In addition to these courses, all students have PE lessons and follow courses covering philosophy, ethics and religion (PRE) and personal, social and health education (PSHE), which includes sex and relationships education.  These are not examined courses.

  • What are the subjects that students can choose for their 2 options?

    In addition to their core curriculum, students choose 2 subjects from the following list: art, business studies, computer science, creative media, design & technology, drama, food & nutrition, a second humanity subject (either geography or history), a second language (Chinese, French, German or Spanish), music, photography, physical education: health & fitness technical award, separate (triple) sciences.

  • Why are geography and history on the option choice list when students already have to choose one of these anyway?

    All students have to study a humanity at GCSE and choose either geography or history. However, some students may want to study both of these subjects, in which case, they should choose the other subject as one of their two options.

  • Why are there languages on the option choice list when students have to study a language anyway?

    All students will study the same modern foreign language at GCSE level that they are currently studying in Year 8. However, some students may want to study a second language, so should choose that language as one of their options.

  • Why is PE on the options choice list when it is part of the core curriculum?

    As part of the core curriculum, all students study core PE. However, we also teach this course as a GCSE for those students who would like to study the subject in greater depth.

  • Can I choose any 2 subjects from the list of options?

    Yes. You can choose any 2 subjects from the list of available subjects.

  • How are options allocated?

    Hove Park’s curriculum ensures that all students keep as many doors open as possible.  As part of the options process we will be making sure that students have a balance of subjects that is right for them.  We will offer alternatives where necessary to meet individual learning needs and these will be discussed with parents/carers. For any students who need additional advice, we will arrange an interview with a senior member of staff to discuss their options after the forms have been handed in.

  • Will I definitely get my first choices?

    We make every effort to offer students their first choices and will consult with them and their parents/carers if this is not possible. 

  • How do I complete the options application form?

    The form has been created as an electronic survey which students need to complete online. Please note, the link to the survey is on our website. There is also a PDF version of the options application form on the website which can be printed, completed and then handed in at the year office or sent via email to

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