Results 2020

GCSE Results 2020

Hove Park School would like to congratulate our students today for the hard work that has seen so many of them do so well in their GCSEs. They can now celebrate gaining the qualifications that will take them on to the next stage of their education at sixth form or college!

Our students have shown great resilience this year in coping with the huge disruption to their learning caused by the Covid-19 crisis and also the uncertainty over how they would be issued grades and what their progression to post-16 study would involve.

Head teacher Jim Roberts praised the hard work of both the students and staff. He said:

‘I am very proud of the students and their achievements. The challenges of the last few months and the recent announcements about the process of grading should not distract us from acknowledging and celebrating their success. These results are a true reflection of student commitment to their studies and high quality teaching. We wish them all the very best for the future and look forward to hearing about all their future successes. I hope all students, parents and carers will take a moment to watch the short film below that has been made to recognise an extraordinary year group.’

A-level Results 2020

Hove Park School is delighted that so many of our A-level students have deservedly done so well with their results! All of the students have worked hard and their accomplishments will allow them to move on to the next step of their career pathways, whether that is university, an apprenticeship, or straight into the world of work.

In Year 13 there were excellent results in Business Studies, Product Design, Graphic Communications, English Literature, History and Tourism. This is testament to the hard work put in by the students, but also by Hove Park School teaching staff.

Students also leave Hove Park School ready to succeed and thrive in their future endeavours having benefitted from our programme of support and career guidance, designed to ensure students will be successful in whatever they do.

Head teacher Jim Roberts was delighted with the results and praised the hard work of both the students and staff. He said:

‘I am very proud of the students and their achievements. The challenges of the last few months and the recent announcements about the process of grading should not distract us from acknowledging and celebrating their success. In most cases, these results are a true reflection of student commitment to their studies and high quality teaching. Where students have not achieved what they were hoping for, we will be supporting them with their next steps. Hove Park 6th Form is about moving students forward in their chosen career path. We wish them all the very best for the future and look forward to hearing about all their future successes.’

Individual success stories include….

  • Anni Keskinen, who achieved A*, A*, A* in English Literature, Law and Psychology. Anni will take up a place at Surrey University to study Law with Criminology.

  • Yezin Abu-Hilal, who achieved A, A, A in Business Studies, Law and Sociology and now goes on to study Business Management at Surrey University. Yezin’s sister Maise (studying for her 3rd year) also gained an A grade in A-level History to add to the grades she achieved at Hove Park last year and she now goes off to study Psychology at Brighton University.


  • Usha Salwa, achieved B, B, C in Biology, Chemistry and English Literature and now moves on to study a medical degree at University of Sussex.


  • Megan Culpeck, who joined at the beginning of Year 13 having previously gone to a different college, successfully achieved B and C in Biology and Chemistry, which are the grades she needs to study British Sign Language, English and Linguistics at York St John. As well as successfully managing a mid-college switch during her A-levels, Megan also had to overcome a variety of other challenges during her studies and these results are testament to the hard work and “never give up” attitude that Megan always showed.

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