We are delighted to announce that Hove Park School has been selected as one of only 15 schools nationally to have achieved the prestigious role as lead Languages Hub school for the National Consortium for Languages Education (NCLE). There was a highly competitive process during the end of the summer term ending in a final endorsement of the selected schools by the DfE. The focus will be to support a network of schools in the area and address the most important educational imperatives as the country works to meet the aspirations of a Global Britain.
The key aims of the Languages Hubs will be:
Hove Park has a strong track record of commitment to languages, home languages, equalities and cultural richness and this new national role with partners at primary, secondary and sixth form in our area will enable us to develop what we do best. At the core of our successful bid was communicating our celebration of our rich and diverse ethnic and cultural heritage and the numerous opportunities to travel and learn from other cultures across Europe and the world. We are a school that encourages the exploration and aspiration for learning different languages, meeting different people and experiencing different places.
Our strong links with schools and students in all the languages we teach and our innovative use of digital technologies have enabled immersive projects which have deepened cultural understanding and supported language learning. We have partnerships with German, South American, Spanish, French and Chinese schools. We are one of the few state schools with the Confucius Classroom Award and currently have over 60 students aiming to acquire a near fluent level of Chinese, as part of the Mandarin Excellence Programme. We feel proud to have been selected for this important collaborative mission with all the other schools and the organisation listed below at the heart of this 3-year adventure.
Nevill Campus
Hove Park School
Nevill Road, Hove,
East Sussex, BN3 7BN
Nevill Office: 01273 082817
Valley Campus
Hove Park School
Hangleton Way, Hove,
East Sussex, BN3 8AA
Valley Office: 01273 082857