The national school performance tables were published today, setting out the exam results for pupils who completed Year 11 this summer 2022. You can search for any school using the link below:
We are really pleased to announce that the performance tables show Hove Park students’ GCSE results are above the national average across all key measures and are significantly improved since the last time students sat public exams in 2019. To see the results for Hove Park School, please use the link below:
Head Teacher, Jim Roberts, has praised both students and staff for their hard work and effort and said ‘These results are a true reflection of student commitment to their studies, high quality teaching and pastoral support.’
To find out more you can visit our results webpage:
Improved Progress
We are especially proud that our Progress 8 score in the tables is +0.13. The Progress 8 measure shows how much progress pupils at a school make between the end of primary school (key stage 2) and the end of secondary school (key stage 4), compared to other similar pupils nationally. Any score above zero indicates that pupils in that school make above average progress.
You can see our recent improvements on the chart below and also compare to the latest national figures:
Headline | HPS 2019 | HPS 2022 | National Average 2022 |
Progress 8 | -0.33 | +0.13 | -0.03 |
Attainment 8 | 43.0 | 49.5 | 48.7 |
% English & maths grade 5 and above | 42% | 54% | 50% |
% English & maths grade 4 and above | 64% | 74% | Not Available |
% EBacc entry | 76% | 74% | 39% |
% grade 5 or above in all EBacc subjects | 19% | 30% | 20% |
% grade 4 or above in all EBacc subjects | 34% | 40% | 27% |
Nevill Campus
Hove Park School
Nevill Road, Hove,
East Sussex, BN3 7BN
Nevill Office: 01273 082817
Valley Campus
Hove Park School
Hangleton Way, Hove,
East Sussex, BN3 8AA
Valley Office: 01273 082857