‘The Big Camp’ has become a Hove Park tradition for all Year 7 students, at the end of their first summer term. Our Big Camp breaks the barriers of students who get to do these types of activities. All students take part regardless of postcode, or parental income. All students access the same unforgettable experience.
This year it took place of Friday 1st July, 2022 with everyone taking part in a range of forest school type-activities, such as; making camp fires, team building, obstacle courses, shelter construction and wood crafts, by Woodland Tribe (www.woodlandtribe.org). We even had an inflatable planetarium from The Observatory Science Centre, Herstmonceux giving students a sky at night experience. (www.the-observatory.org)
This year over 250 students then camped out on the school field after dinner, which was provided by the Old Skool Bus & Kitchen (www.oldskoolbusevents.com)
The students had an unforgettable time, with one parent emailing to say; ‘Please thank all the staff for me. You all went over and above to give them a truly amazing experience’.
Spending a night under the stars, is one of 8 themes that we challenge students to complete, by the time they finish year 8 and move to our Nevill campus. The other themes form part of our Every Child Should strategy, with students earning a coloured star badge, for each one completed
This year over 400 students have camped out overnight, as part of either our Big Camp, Valley Challenge or Bronze Duke of Edinburgh expeditions. This is an amazing achievement which can only be achieved with the support and commitment of Hove Park staff, that go above and beyond to make these experiences and opportunities happen.
Nevill Campus
Hove Park School
Nevill Road, Hove,
East Sussex, BN3 7BN
Nevill Office: 01273 082817
Valley Campus
Hove Park School
Hangleton Way, Hove,
East Sussex, BN3 8AA
Valley Office: 01273 082857